The Top Investment Theme of 2019

By: Ian Cooper
03:10 03/08/2019

Always be on the lookout for prominent investing themes.

That’s how the long-term wealth can be found.

“Thematic investing is about capitalizing on future trends. Its forward-looking nature stands in clear contrast to the more widely used market capitalization approach [which] assumes that past winners will continue to win out… Why is thematic investing a good idea?

In a rapidly changing business environment, the winners will be those that anticipate trends and take advantage of new opportunities,” once noted Towers Watson, “Thematic Investing."

Themes become so powerful because of the ripple effects they create, especially the world-changing ones that can change the lives of billions of people. The green revolution is the perfect example.

Even the marijuana story is a game-changing theme. The fact that 80 million Baby Boomers are fueling growth in biotech. The artificial intelligence movement that may just change how we see the world. And even the domestic oil boom that’s outpacing Saudi Arabia and Russia. Even uranium is quickly re-emerging as a comeback story.

Simply uncover big themes and spot stocks that could get caught up in the wave.

In fact, if you can spot a hot theme early enough, you could make some great money.

Look at the 5G boom for example – the top investment theme of 2019.

By 2035, 5G is expected to create a $12 trillion opportunity.

The U.S. is spending up to $400 million to 5G over the last three years. China will invest up to $400 billion by 2025. South Korea invested $1.5 billion.

Even President Trump is bullish, tweeting:

“I want 5G, and even 6G, technology in the United States as soon as possible. It is far more powerful, faster, and smarter than the current standard. American companies just step up their efforts, or get left behind. There is no reason that we should be lagging behind on something that is so obviously the future”

In short, spot hot themes and you may just uncover your next goldmine opportunity.

This article has been provided by a PennyStockTitans contributor. All content submitted by this author represent their personal opinions, and should be considered as such for entertainment purpose only. All opinions expressed are those of the writer, and may not necessarily represent fact, opinions, or bias of PennyStockTitans.